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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

For a long time the sales funnel has been an integral to traditional business and marketing. In recent times, however, it seems that funnels are being discussed everywhere online.

The truth of the matter is that folks want to know more about this concept of marketing and how they can use it in their business online marketing strategies. If you would like to know something more about sales funnels to help you with efficient Internet marketing I invite you to continue reading.

The Sales Funnel - What is it?

A marketing funnel does not actually refer to a funnel. The use of the word "funnel" for this marketing concept is simply to help visualize and explain a sales process from the beginning to the end. Since it has a broad opening for customers who are "Unqualified prospects" on the top, and a much narrower opening to convert sales in the middle,, the term funnel is an accurate comparison.

The people who are "unqualified prospects" are at the upper end of the funnel. These are people who have never met with you, but might be interested in your product or services. After several sales and offers you'll have customers who have bought your product or service.

The efficiency of a lead generation funnel comes down to the fact that it allows you to monitor the potential prospects' actions throughout the lengthy selling process. With the sales funnel, by figuring out the quantity of qualified prospects throughout the process, it is possible to predict the amount of prospective customers who'll eventually turn into actual customers.

The sales funnel allows you to determine the areas where your sales strategy is failing and succeeding. It also helps you determine if your campaign isn't reaching the right customers. This data can help you decide where your goal is and the best way you can maintain sales at the proper level. It is a tool to manage and gauge the sales process of your customers.

The Sales Funnel Top Front - End

The top section of your sales funnel should undergo continuous testing and will be the most active. There are virtually no limits to your creativity or resources when it comes to front-end strategies.

The front-end's main objective will be to draw in prospective customers and turn these buyers into buyers through the sales funnel.

The potential customer is "qualified" when they sign up or subscribe to something that you provide. This is when the prospective customer, or "Unqualified Prospect" is now an "qualified lead. They've taken action that shows that they may be interested in your product or service.

For your front-end to be effective you must be able to drive targeted traffic to your site, blog, or squeeze page. PPC adverts, article marketing, banners, PPC advertisements, social media (Google+ Twitter Facebook YouTube), YouTube, banners, blog posts forums, and other resources are among the most effective techniques and resources.

There are many tools that can be used to "qualify prospects who aren't qualified". One of the more efficient methods is to use an online squeeze page, that allows you to offer something of value that is pertinent to your product or service which people can receive at no cost or at a at a significantly reduced cost in exchange in exchange for their name and email. There are a variety of products to choose from, including newsletters, videos, emails, courses, eBooks, and related reports.

It is clear that the front-end is where customers are drawn to your sales funnel. What about the reverse-end of your sales funnel?


The Bottom or Back-End of The Funnel

The back or bottom of the sales funnel is where the majority of sales and profits are made. It typically contains your highest priced products. These would all be related to the same subject however in a different format such as video, audio or live interaction.

The major difference between the front and back-ends is in the type of client as well as the cost of the product/service being provided.

While it's true that just one percent, or 1-2%, from the overall number of folks who enter your front end, will be at the back end. This is fine, given the fact that this select small percentage will invest a much larger amount of money.

Products and services that are front-end may be priced at less than $100 however back-end products, services and products typically cost between 100 and 1000 dollars. This means that the bottom of the sales channel, which is also called the back-end, is the most important source of revenue.

As I mentioned the sales funnel can be as simple or as complicated as your creativity or resources allow.

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